Because I haven't had a good Max only post for awhile, here are some Maxisms as he nears the ripe old age of two:
Max is a talking machine. He almost always has something to say (clearly a trait he inherited from his mother...). Most of the time, we can understand him. Other times we just look at each other, scratch our heads and say 'Yeah!'. I thought I would try to count how many words he could say, and gave up after about 1 hr. I'd be writing down forever. He seems to be learning a new word every day, and if he doesn't have a word for something, he'll just make something up! Some of his favorite words/phrases right now:
1. "TV on/TV off or Lights On/Lights Off or DARK DARK"! He is a very energy conscious child -- and he always has to make sure that you are aware of your surroundings, whether the lights are on or off, whether the doors are open or shut...
2. "Sucker, blue...MOM!" I don't know where he got this from. He rarely gets suckers (we still have some left in the bag I opened eons ago). And why he almost ALWAYS tacks a 'blue' on to the end is beyond me. Some mornings he wakes up and the first words out of his mouth are "Sucker, mom, blue!"
3. "MANDA/Manda's car" -- every maroon colored car is "Manda's car" and if you try to tell him that it is not her car, he gets very upset and frustrated. He is head over heels in love with her. Some days after school he will sit in front of our picture window yelling "MANDA...MANDA...hurry up!"
4. "Go, GO, GO!" This is usually yelled out while we are watching "FOOTBALL!" or "OCKEY"

5. "Tag, mom!" -- an order for Mom to help him find the mini tag on his blankie that he is O.B.E.S.S.E.D with. He has to have it in his hand when he goes to bed... Another blankie related phrase is "blue" or "green" the oh-so-creative names he has given to his two blankies. I am very sad that Land's End discontinued his blankies, because I wanted to buy some back ups -- he loves those things to pieces!!
6. "Run, Mom, AROUND" (Other names could be substituted for Mom). Used when we are playing the run around game where we -- get this -- run around an object, like a tree, a car, or the kitchen counter. This activity can entertain him for HOURS. One time, he got me so dizzy running around the kitchen counter I had to sit down. He was very upset that I sat down. And, if you try to run in the opposite direction, he also gets very upset -- we think this is a sign that he might make a good track runner....
7. "I DID IT!" -- self explanatory. Sometimes we really don't want to see what he just 'did'....
8. "E-I-DA-DA" Sung to the tune of B-I-N-G-O (just minus a few beats). This is the "Name Song" and some mornings he wakes up singing it. He gets pretty creative recalling other names and substitutes them in the song. The other day he actually substituted an object in the song instead of a name. This song is also used to pass the time while in the car...
9. He can identify all his colors. Sometimes he mixes up white and black, but he knows: Red, Orange, Yellow, Pink, Purple, Green, Brown, Black, Tan and White"
10. He 'has' counted up to twenty -- he 'can' count up to ten. More consistently, he counts to five.
11. He knows some of the letters in the alphabet. By far, his favorites are: "O, X, W, K, Q, A, Z"

12. This story is worth re-telling for the baby book...We got his flu shot while we were at the doctor last month for a follow up visit to his sick visit. The nurse came in with the shot and sat down next to us. She had a tweety bird band-aid in her hand for after the shot. I told Max "Look, Max...she has a sticker for you! She is going to poke you with this needle, and it might hurt a little bit, but afterwards, you will get a sticker!" So, she pulled down the neck of his shirt, wiped his little bicep and stuck the needle in, gave him the shot, wiped it off, and then stuck on the "sticker." He didn't move, flinch, cry out, even BLINK. Then, calm as he could be, he turned towards me and smiled and said "STICKER!" That's my BOY!
I'm sure I can think of more, and I'll try to post some more as we near his second birthday. I can't believe my lil prince is going to be 2 already! The time does fly!!
In other baby news, McDuex is doing well. We're at 15 weeks now, and the "BIG" ultrasound is scheduled for Dec 3rd. We'll keep you posted!